Most solo travelers find dining alone very challenging. That’s because they are used to dining with friends and family members back at home. But, eating alone is not bad as long as you’re enjoying your trip.
What many solo travelers are worried about is looking worn-out. This is what many travelers call “solomangarephobia”. Occasionally, this is justified fear. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t hinder you from going out for lunch or dinner whenever you travel alone. Just follow these tips to enjoy a pleasant dining experience when traveling alone.
Talk to the Service People
Instead of sitting alone quietly, talk to the waitresses and waters. Most of the service people are friendly and they won’t have a problem chatting with you. Some of them are locals that can share useful tips for spicing up your travel experience.
Go to the Right Eatery
Outdoor dining or café is an attractive eatery for a solo traveler. Sitting alone in a café with a book is not something unusual compared to sitting alone in a fancy restaurant. You may also go for a seat at a bar or a counter seat. You can also enjoy more privacy seated at a restaurant booth.
Eat-in With a Reading Material
If you don’t want to frequent a café in a single day, opt to occasionally eat in. That means placing an order with a nearby restaurant or using the hotel room service. That way, you can avoid enduring another meal in public and alone.
And when you opt to eat out, carry reading material. That way, you can avoid staring at your food all the time or feeling uneasy while sitting alone. You just open your book, read a magazine, or browse on your phone while enjoying your meal.
Follow these dining tips for solo travelers to enjoy a pleasant meal whenever you travel alone.